Dull War Memorial
The memorial, erected to the men of Appin of Dull, Aberfeldy, who fell in the Great War, was unveiled and dedicated on Tuesday. It takes the form of a rustic cairn 7 ft. in height and 8 ft. in base, with inserted granite inscription panel and surmounted by an Iona Cross in grey granite 6 ft. in height, giving a monument of 13 ft. in all. It is placed in a commanding site immediately above the lower graveyard, and looks out upon a wide stretch of the valley of the upper Tay, extending from Drummond Hill and the braes of Taymouth on the west, to the hills of Grandtully and Strathtay on the east. On it are engraved the names of 11 men from the district, who made the supreme sacrifice for King and country, three of whom came from Canada and one from South Africa.
A simple but impressive service was held in Dull Parish Church, and, at its close, the congregation, led by children, followed by the ex-servicemen present, marched to the funeral music of the pipers to the site of the memorial.
The parish minister, in name of the community, invited Mr Francis Willey of Castle Menzies to unveil the monument, as their representative and head. Mr Willey dwelt upon the great part played by Scotland and Scotsmen in the Great War, and referred in touching terms to the noble response given by the men of the district to their country’s call. He further gave expression to his great gratification at being present with his own people and taking part with them in such a sacred and inspiring ceremony. The prayer and Dedication was then offered and at its close “Lochaber No More” was played by the pipers.
The ceremony closed with the singing of the Second Paraphrase, the National Anthem, and then the Blessing.
The inscription on the panel is as follows:- “Greater love hath no man than this”. To the unfading memory of the men of Appin of Dull who fell in the Great War, 1914-1918. Pte. Duncan Dewar, Canadians; Pte. Archibald Forbes, Black Watch; Pte. John Dow, Canadians; Capt. Robert Menzies, Black Watch; Pte. James Menzies, Black Watch; Pte. Donald Munro, Black Watch; Guardsman Charles M’Ally, Scots Guards; Sergt. John M’Intosh, African Scottish; Cpl. James M’Intosh, Canadians; Pte. Peter M’Nab, Royal Scots; Sergt. Robert Nicol, Royal Warwicks; “Thig Crioch air an T-Baoghal ach Mairidh Goal”.
Duncan Dewar 114560
Private 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles (Saskatchewan Regiment)
Born in Aberfeldy 31st March 1885
Son of Mrs Elizabeth Dewar, Asquith, Saskatchewan
Served 3 years with Scottish Horse
Died 2nd June 1916
Remembered with Honour Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial Panel 30,32
Archibald Forbes 267819
Private 6th (Perthshire) Battalion Black Watch
Born Aberfeldy 1885
Resided Perth
Son of Mungo and Isabella Forbes Croftnamuick Smithy Camserney
Killed in Action 10th April 1918
Remembered with Honour Loos Memorial Panel 78 to 83
The Battalion had been in Burbure barely a week before the enemy attacked the Portuguese troops then holding the sector between La Bassee Canal and Armentieres. The action began at 4.30 a.m. on April 8th and was so heavy that the Portuguese troops holding the front line were driven back in confusion. Every available man in reserve was needed and, consequently the 51st Division was once again ordered into the battle. On April 8th the Battalion moved to Robecq, and the following day to Pacaut, going into line that day on the west bank of the Lawe River with the 7th Battalion Gordon Highlanders on its right.
Action followed action in the neighbourhood of Lestrem, Paradis and Pacaut for the next forty-eight hours. The fighting was very severe, and the Battalion lost heavily. The enemy greatly outnumbered the Allies, and the nature of the country, intersected as it was by a river, marshes and small canals, made organised resistance extremely difficult. Though the men were mostly fresh and untried, and though they fought under officers whom they had only known for a few days, their conduct and steadiness were exemplary.
John Low 29233
Private 16th Battalion Manitoba Regiment
Born Inverness 3rd May 1885
Had served in the 5th (Highland) Black Watch TF
Son on Andrew Low Balhomais Farm
Died 18th May 1915
Remembered with Honour Vimy Memorial
Robert John Menzies
Captain D Company 6th (Perthshire ) Battalion Black Watch
Formely served in London Scottish
Born 1885
Son of the late Robert and Catherine Menzies, Tirinie.
Killed in action 31st July 1917, aged 32
Remembered with Honour New Irish Farm Cementry Reference XXVI. A. 6.
The following account, written by a man of D company, gives a vivid description of what took place in that extremely hard task, namely, the crossing of the Steenbeek River :
“On the evening of July 30th, the Battalion set out under cover of the dark for the next day’s scene of action. To D company was assigned a position behind the British front line trench where with the approach of Zero hour, 3 50 a.m., they were subjected to a merciless bombardment. A scurry was made for the front line trench. But even there things were hot, and many casualties were suffered, amongst the number being Captain R.J. Menzies, formerly of the London Scottish, one of D company’s most highly esteemed and deeply lamented officers.
At 4 a.m. A company went forward, followed by B and C. Good progress was made despite stubborn resistance from numerous enemy ‘pill boxes’. Here a tank proved of valuable assistance, dealing more effectively with the hidden machine gun nests than the ordinary infantry was able to do.
James Menzies 266910
Private 6th (Perthshire) Battalion Black Watch
Born Dull
Resided Glasgow.
Killed in action 20th July 1918
Remembered with Honour La Neuville Aux Larris Military Cementry
The 6th Battalion led the attack of the 153rd Brigade. Three companies were in the front line, A on the right, C in the centre, and B on the left, D company being in support. At 6 a.m. the attack was launched. The men advanced with great dash, following the barrage, and in a few moments had disposed of a large number of the enemy. After advancing about six hundred yards, the leading platoons found that the wood became very dense, and the attack was held up for a short time by heavy machine gun fire; undeterred, however, the companies pushed on and fought their way forward with great gallantry, and by 10 a.m. the 6th had reached its objective.
Here the Battalion remained practically all day exposed to heavy machine gun and artillery fire. The 6th Seaforths, who originally had been detailed to carry on the advance, had been withdrawn elsewhere, although no information of this change ever reached the 6th Black Watch.
The fighting on the 20th was exceptionally fierce and was carried out under natural difficulties. Foot by foot the men fought their way through the thick wood and undergrowth of the Bois de Courton until they reached the open country beyond, but by that time the ranks had been greatly thinned, and the companies were reduced to groups of men still organised and undaunted. On the left the 6th were in touch with some French Colonial troops, and here Lieutenant McCorquodale with some French Senegalese troops attempted to push on into the open country beyond the wood, but were unable to do so, and eventually fell back on their former position. Shortly after this the French on the right retired and, as little was known of the situation on this flank, the position became rather precarious; the companies, therefore, were reorganised and the line withdrawn a short distance into the wood.
Throughout the whole of the 20th, enemy aeroplanes, flying low over the wood, fired at every target they could see. During the evening, the 6th Seaforth Highlanders took over the line, and the Battalion was withdrawn to a position in the wood some little way back.
Donald Munro S/43439
Private 9th (Service) Battalion Black Watch
Born Dull 1897
Son of Donald Munro and Margaret Stewart Munro, Aberfeldy
Killed in action 26th April 1917, aged 20
Remembered with Honour Guemappe British Cementry, Wancourt, Reference II. D. 1.
Charles McCalley 15551
Private 2nd Battalion Scots Guards
Son of Charles McCalley,Plean, Stirlingshire, and husband of the late Robina McCalley, Callwood.
Died at age of 27 30th November 1917
Remembered with Honour Mentz en Couture Communal Cemetery British Extension II. E. 18
John MacIntosh 3352
Sergeant 4th Regiment South African Infantry
Born 1879
Son of Mrs C MacIntosh, Tigh Chatton, Aberfeldy
Died of Wounds 17th July 1916, aged 37
Remembered with Honour Corbie Communal Cementry Extension Plot 1. Row D. Grave 31
James McIntosh 436623
Corporal Canadian Infantry (Alberta Regiment) 49th Regiment
Born Aberfeldy 1st May 1888
Son of John and Margaret McIntosh, Tominteold, Camserney
Died 9th July 1917, aged 29
Remembered with Honour Longuenesse (St Omer) Soovenir Cementry Reference IV. C. 49
Peter McNab 31112
Private 15th Battalion The Royal Scots (1st Edinburgh)
Born and resided Aberfeldy
Son of John and Catherine McNab, Lurgan Farm , Camserney
Killed in Action 26th August 1917, aged 36
Remembered with Honour Thiepval Memorial Pier and Face 6D and 7D
Robert Nicol 268169
Sergeant 2nd/7th Battalion Royal Warwickshire Regiment
Resided Moseley, Birmingham.
Killed in Action 7th December 1917
Remembered with Honour Rocquigny-Equancourt Road British Cementry, Manancourt. Reference VI. D. 19.
Second World War
Robert Irvine
James McIntosh
Born Perth
Son of Catherine McIntosh Camserney
Died 31st December 1944
Buried Weem Graveyard
William Morrison 3127664
Lance Corporal/Drummer 1st Battalion Royal Scots
Born Perth 1910
Resided Glasgow
Killed in Action 26th or 27th May 1940, aged 30
Remembered with Honour Le Paradis War Cemetery, Lestrem