Dull and Weem Parish Church
e mail : DullandWeemChurch@gmail.com
Services at 9 45 am
Weekly Newsletter 20/01/25
Dear Friends,
This is quite an actioned packed Newsletter with details of several new events, including our January –March Services
LINKAGE SERViCES – 1st Sunday of the month starting at 10.30am.
February – Aberfeldy
March - Logierait
26 January 2025
9.45am – Weem Parish Church
Neil Glover including the Ordination of Drew Kennedy and Communion
10.45am – Aberfeldy Parish Church
Neil Glover - Communion
10.30am –Logierait Parish Church
Geoff Davis
10.30am - Tenandry Parish Church
Donald Strathairn
The team who records and films our YouTube services are planning some changes for the first few Sundays of 2025
Sunday 19 January- the service will be recorded and edited before being uploaded to the YouTube channel.
Sunday 26 January - the service will be recorded and edited before being uploaded to the YouTube channel.
YouTube live streaming morning services are only from Aberfeldy Parish Church. If it is a Linkage Sunday, when there is no service in Aberfeldy then there will be no YouTube available on that Sunday.
There are 3 different ways to find this new YouTube service:
Aberfeldy Parish Church website - 'click here’ button on the opening page
YouTube channel - enter Aberfeldy Sunday Morning Service
YouTube direct link
Join us in the in the New Year to watch ‘the Chosen' Season 1 at Aberfeldy Parish Church. The team behind the Chosen have filmed the stories from the Gospels, from the perspective of the disciples. The filming brings their lives and challenges alive, capturing the culture, religious tensions and the ever-present fear of life in an occupied land.
The Chosen has been translated into many languages and is provided free of charge across the world. The team's mission is to share Jesus’ story using film; you can feel the prayer, the depth of Bible study and the longing which has gone into the writing, and into each scene.
Sunday January 19th at 6.30pm Episodes 3 and 4 (1hr 20mins)
Sunday February 2nd at 6.30pm Episodes 5 and 6 (1hr 46 mins)
Sunday February 16th at 6.30pm Episodes 7 and 8 (1hr 37 mins)
In addition to the running time we will have a 15-20 minute intermission between the episodes for drinks, nibbles and discussion.
Episodes 1 and 2 are tough going - they set the scene and are a bit dark, almost hopeless…..before Jesus arrives. Not everyone who watches the first couple of episodes makes it through to episode 3 and beyond, but we think it is well worth persevering. Jesus and the children in episode 3, Peter’s calling in 4, the wedding at Cana episode 5, conversations with Nicodemus, the women at the well, all made us smile. This is a great opportunity to bring a friend, so please come and join us.
Explore more at https://watch.thechosen.tv/
2 February
Weem Parish Church
Join Aberfeldy
10.30am – Aberfeldy Parish Church – Linkage Service and CAP Sunday
Neil Glover
Strathtay Parish Church
Join Aberfeldy
Tenandry Parish Church
Rose Patterson
6.30pm - Aberfeldy Evening Service
The Chosen Episodes 5 and 6 (1hr 46 mins)
9 February
9.45am – Weem Parish Church
John Duff
10.45am – Aberfeldy Parish Church
Geoff Davis
10.30am –Strathtay Parish Church
Neil Glover including Communion and the Ordination of New Elders
10.30am - Tenandry Parish Church
Rose Patterson
6.30pm - Aberfeldy Evening Service
Neil tbc
16 February
9.45am – Weem Parish Church
Neil Glover – ‘Farming Sunday’
10.45am – Aberfeldy Parish Church
Neil Glover - Communion
10.30am –Strathtay Parish Church
Rose Patterson
10.30am - Tenandry Parish Church
David Hamilton
6.30pm - Aberfeldy Evening Service
The Chosen - Episodes 7 and 8 (1hr 37 mins)
23 February
9.45am – Weem Parish Church
Suzanne Stringer
10.45am – Aberfeldy Parish Church
Pastor Waqas
10.30am –Strathtay Parish Church
Margaret Yearsley
10.30am - Tenandry Parish Church
Neil Glover
6.30pm - Aberfeldy Evening Service
Neil - tbc
2 March
Weem Parish Church
Join Logierait
Aberfeldy Parish Church
Join Logierait
10.30am –Logierait Parish Church – LINKAGE SERVICE
Neil Glover
Tenandry Parish Church
Join Logierait
6.30pm - Aberfeldy Evening Service
9 March (1st Sunday in Lent)
9.45am – Weem Parish Church
Neil Glover
10.45am – Aberfeldy Parish Church
Neil Glover
10.30am –Logierait Parish Church
Geoff Davis
10.30am - Tenandry Parish Church
John Hayward
6.30pm - Aberfeldy Evening Service
Reading Luke throughout Lent
16 March (2nd Sunday in Lent)
9.45am – Weem Parish Church
Tommy Pringle
10.45am – Aberfeldy Parish Church
John Hayward
10.30am –Logierait Parish Church
Neil Glover
10.30am - Tenandry Parish Church
Rose Patterson
6.30pm - Aberfeldy Evening Service
Reading Luke throughout Lent
23 March (3rd Sunday in Lent)
9.45am – Weem Parish Church
Neil Glover
10.45am – Aberfeldy Parish Church
Neil Glover - Communion
10.30am –Logierait Parish Church
Rose Patterson
10.30am - Tenandry Parish Church
Geoff Davis
6.30pm - Aberfeldy Evening Service
Reading Luke throughout Lent
30 March (4th Sunday in Lent)
9.45am – Weem Parish Church
Peter Hobbs
10.45am – Aberfeldy Parish Church
Tom Sibbald
10.30am –Logierait Parish Church -incl St Andrews (5th Sunday)
Neil Glover
10.30am - Tenandry Parish Church
6.30pm - Aberfeldy Evening Service
Reading Luke throughout Lent
Have you ever wondered how to access Neil’s podcasts - well here’s your answer!
The links for the Outspoken Bible podcast are:
On Apple
On Spotify
On Podbean
CAP HIGHLAND PERTHSHIRE are offering free budgeting advice, benefit checks and support to complete benefit applications as well as their usual support for people struggling with unmanageable debt at a monthly drop-in session at the Advice & Information Hub at Aberfeldy Health Centre. Change in regular drop-in slot at the surgery to the first Thursday of the month. Please, spread the word about this new, helpful, free service.
(Unless advised otherwise the drop in will be available on the first Thursday of the month)
STAY AND PLAY - Tuesdays 9.30 -11.30am
Warm Welcome Café – Tuesdays 10.00am – 12.00pm
Tuesday evenings 7.30 – 9pm
Contact –- 0800 917 7650
PRAYER MEETING – Wednesday 4.45 – 6pm in Farragon (resuming on !5 January 2025)
There is a time of quiet, contemplative music from 4.45 before the Prayer Meeting starts at 5pm. Join us if you can for this vital work of the Church
Thursdays - 11.am – 3pm
Contact Jane or Annette by email through the church administrator – administrator@aberfeldyparishchurch.org
Prayer underpins everything we do in Aberfeldy Parish Church.
Weekly Prayer Meeting on Wednesdays in Farragon.
We start at 4.45pm with quiet music for meditation followed by the main meeting at 5pm until 6 pm . Everyone is welcome .For further information please contact Isabelle Macdonald or Donald Strathairn .
Prayer Points for the work of the Church are sent out weekly before the Wednesday meeting . If you would like to receive these please contact Kit Strathairn or Isabelle Macdonald.
Prayer for the Sunday Morning Service - please meet in the Prayer Room between 10.15 am and 10.30am
Prayer Circle â• If you, or someone you know needs prayer, whether it is a health matter or any circumstance , the Prayer Circle will be ready and willing to pray. Simply contact Isabelle and an email will be sent out to the members of the Prayer Circle who will pray immediately and confidentially for your need.If you would like to be part of the Prayer Circle please contact Isabelle Macdonald.
Prayer Ministry. The Prayer Ministry Team is available to pray for any need you have. Members of the team can be found at the back of the Sanctuary after the Morning Service and will be wearing a badge with a purple lanyard. Alternatively you can contact Isabelle Macdonald through Judy Ewer or the Aberfeldy Church Administrator and a private appointment can be arranged.
Prayer for the Persecuted Church is normally on the first Monday of the month at 4 pm. Please contact Katie Allstaff, Kit
Strathairn or Christina Bryson if you would like to join. We meet in an individual’s home.
The Prayer/Quiet Room is place of peace and tranquility. You are welcome to use at any time. See Kate Scott or Anna Sibbald for further details.
Isabelle Macdonald
Stay & Play – Tuesdays
Rock Steady (dates tbc)
Monthly Events (dates tbc)
Messy Church (dates tbc)
CHIT CHAT CAFÉ – 1st Monday of the month in the McDonald Room, Dull and Weem Kirk at 2pm
For further information please contact Liz Bruce
GUILD, IN THE MCDONALD ROOM - Meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 2pm in the McDonald Room. DullandWeemChurch@gmail.com
The group meet every Wednesday in the John Kyd Hall beside Strathtay Church at 10.30am - all are welcome to come along and join in!
7 – 9pm on 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month
Contact Marie MacLeod
Many will know that there has been a considerable amount of building activity taking place in the Town Hall over the summer. The Old School Room has undergone a transformation! This room is currently being used for The Horizon Lunch Club . Dementia Friendly Aberfeldy raised the funds for this transformation and will be opening their new Meeting Centre “THE FRIDAY CLUB” in the Old School Room later this month. The Trustees are keen to recruit volunteers to help with this new initiative.
The Meeting Centre is now open one day / week – Friday.
We would love to share our vision! If you are interested in knowing more about our work or how you could become involved, please contact Judy: judy.dfag@gmail.com
Breadalbane Community Larder
Social Supermarket - 4 items for £1, available Saturday mornings 11.00am -12-30pm at Offizone, Kenmore Street, Aberfeldy.
Emergency deliveries of food parcels please call 0345 30 111 00 Monday to Friday 9.00am – 4.00pm.
Food share - Available 24/7 from the shelter in the rear carpark of Aberfeldy Parish Church
Most people are now aware of what the Community Larder does as we’ve been running since March 2020 with several changes of venue and project developments since then. Our current provision of a Social Supermarket supports around 20 households with 6-8 customers every week. Demand in the first 6 months of this year has increased 75% compared to the same period last year.
Emergency support has stayed around the same level but this combined with the increase in customers at the Social Supermarket has depleted our stock levels considerably. So far this year we have spent just over £1,500 purchasing stock items so that the shelves aren’t empty of many basic products.
If you are able to donate to the trolley in Aberfeldy Co-op (near exit) or in Asda Express please consider purchasing some of the items which are often listed in posts on the Aberfeldy Community Facebook page. These are - long life milk, tea, coffee, tinned fruit, tinned meat, tinned fish, pasta, pasta sauces, tinned tomatoes, puddings/desserts, breakfast cereals, toilet rolls and any gluten free products.
As harvest season approaches, any surplus garden produce would also be most welcome to the FoodShare shelter, not only to prevent food waste but to share lovely fresh produce.
If you would like to make a financial donation to the Community Larder please contact 07513 652597 for details.
Breadalbane Community Larder is a joint initiative of several local churches and also involves members of the wider community.
If you know of anyone who is struggling to heat their house and / or pay their energy bills, please do pass them on to us at Warm Connections, and we would be delighted to advise on ways of reducing your energy consumption and bills.
There is now a Facebook page for Warm Connections https://www.facebook.com/WarmConnectionsScotland. We would love it if anyone could share, like or comment
We have free radiator foil to give away, we can even come and fit it. Its a great idea for radiators that are on outside walls. Just use the contact us form on Facebook or our website https://warmconnections.net/#section-553-149
www.warmconnections.net or email advice@warmconnections.net.
If you know of anyone who is struggling to heat their house and / or pay their energy bills, please do pass them on to us at Warm Connections, and we would be delighted to advise on ways of reducing your energy consumption and bills.
There is now a Facebook page for Warm Connections https://www.facebook.com/WarmConnectionsScotland. We would love it if anyone could share, like or comment
We have free radiator foil to give away, we can even come and fit it. Its a great idea for radiators that are on outside walls. Just use the contact us form on Facebook or our website https://warmconnections.net/#section-553-149
www.warmconnections.net or email advice@warmconnections.net.
Minister – Neil Glover
Neil’s email - nglover@churchofscotland.org.uk
Neil’s mobile – 07779 280074
PA – Judy Ewer – judy.ewer@adwgls.org.uk
Mobile – 07836 565528
Pastoral Assistants
Judy Ewer - judy.ewer@adwgls.org.uk
Mobile - 07836 565528
Kate Scott – kate@adwgls.org.uk
Mobile - 07760 320031
Linkage Service Weem
10:30 AM
Teaching By
Rev. Neil Glover
09:45 AM
Teaching By
Rev Neil Glover
09:45 AM
Teaching By
Margaret Yearsley
Holy Communion and Ordination of Drew Kennedy
09:45 AM
Teaching By
Margaret Yearsley
Watch Now
09:30 AM
Teaching By
09:30 AM
Teaching By
Nicolas Leigh-Hunt
09:45 AM
Teaching By
​Rev Neil Glover
09:45 AM
Teaching By
John Duff
Visit Us
Dull and Weem Parish Church is be found on the west side of the river Tay in Highland Perthshire.
Follow the road, from Aberfeldy, Crossing the historic Wade's Bridge, and continue down the avenue towards Weem.
As you enter the village of Weem, you will find the church on the right-hand side of the road.
“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need”
[Hebrews 4:16]